Paroles et Musique:

One my mum is wrong
Two so sweet is love
Three the nurse is crying
Four she's mine
Five it's my own right
Six to wanna touch
Seven on top of that
Eight it's fun
One mummy won't hear
Two some day I'll go
Three can't stop the tears
Four it hurts
Five say what I want
Six I feel so down
Seven don't like to think
Eight, do you ?
I go so easily
Where it's not allowed to be
Her smiling pleases me
I love the nurse mummy
One I think it’s good
Telling you this
Three I feel better
Four it's fun
Five mummy won't hear
Six about the nurse
Seven she's beautiful
Eight she's mine
One the nurse sings
Two I feel strange
Three just like a deer
Four I'm scared
Five it's hard to live
Six without one smile
Seven I cry all night
Eight do you ?
I go easily
Where it's not allowed to be
Her smiling pleases me
I love the nurse mummy…

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